Your Kelburn Risk Management health and safety consultant would identify the health and safety hazards on site and which health and safety risk assessments would be needed. These would then be completed for the premises.
For each hazard, Kelburn Risk Management utilises industry best practice to identify and set control standards and during the risk assessment process, your Kelburn Risk Management health and safety consultant would make judgements as to how far you are complying with them; these judgements would be based upon
- physical observation
- evaluation of safety documentation
- discussions with key personnel
Where your Kelburn Risk Management's health and safety consultant considers the existing controls on site to be inadequate, you would receive risk improvement advice together with photographic evidence if appropriate.
The next step is for your Kelburn Risk Management health and safety consultant to determine the likelihood of injury / adverse occurrence and the likely severity of injury (in terms of harm) for each risk assessment. These would be expressed in scores, which would then be multiplied together to give the risk rating. By rating risk this way resources may be targeted in the right areas.