From 1st October 2006 the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRO) requires the Responsible Person (RP) of any non-domestic premises (including shared areas within blocks of flats and houses in multiple occupation) to carry out a fire risk assessment.
The RRO has been designed to reduce the regulatory burden on the private sector and over 100 pieces of legislation with fire safety content have been repealed and replaced with one simple risk assessment process. This repeal of legislation means that if you have a Fire Certificate issued to your premises under previous legislation then it is no longer valid and you need to ensure you comply with the new requirements.
This legislation is applicable if you are responsible for the business premises, an employer or self-employed within a premises, responsible for a part of a dwelling where that part is solely used for business purposes, a charitable or voluntary organisation, a contractor with a degree of control over any premises as well as someone providing accommodation for paying guests.